Why are pregnant women so horny?

Pregnancy is a time filled with many changes, both physical and emotional. If you’re having a normal pregnancy, there’s no reason why you can’t continue to enjoy sex, if that’s what you want to do. There’s going to be a range of physical and emotional changes that affect both desire for sex and the pleasure that you get from it.

Hormone driven

In order to support your pregnancy, your body increases the amount of progesterone and estrogen in your bloodstream.

The rising levels of the hormones helps increase the amount of blood flow to the pelvic area, the amount of lubrication in the vagina, and increases the levels of sensitivity to your breasts and nipples, giving you a boost in desire while making sex satisfying.

Hormonal fluctuations in pregnancy also play a part in a woman’s reaction to sex. During the second trimester, most women’s sex drive increases, causing them to experience a huge energy boost.

Doug Black, OB/GYN states, ‘that many women will experience an increased libido, especially late in the first trimester and beyond, when hormones are high.Sex Drive

When women reach puberty, the pituitary gland located in the brain, signals your body to begin producing sex hormones. These hormones assist us to ovulate and menstruate, while also giving us the desire to have sex.

While there are no concreate rules, certain factors such as: woman to woman, pregnancy-to-pregnancy, and trimester stage in your pregnancy can impact your sex drive.

The hormonal fluctuation of pregnancy also plays a part in your reactions to making love, as do trimesters. Most women are too nauseated and fatigued to be interested in sex during the first trimester. However, as your belly continues to grow in your second trimester, so does your libido.

Sex Positions

Perhaps you simply can’t get enough of sex and crave your partner every time he’s near you. Here are some sex positions that are comfortable, giving you and your partner creativity freedom during your pregnancy:
Spooning- This position is the safest for your belly while also giving you the support of the bed. Both you and your partner cuddle each other in the same direction, while your partner enters you from behind.
The Cowgirl – This position is great because it allows you to control the pace and depth of penetration as well as not putting weight on your abdomen.
Leap Frog- This position is similar to doggy style but with one major difference, you rest your arms and head on the mattress, providing you further support to hold up the weight of your stomach.

Benefits of having sex

There are lots of physical and psychological benefits of sex during your pregnancy. You and your partner can enjoy the new changes to your body, while enjoying the benefits of new sex positions. In addition to being more intimate with your partner, your orgasms are more frequent and intense than ever before. If you had trouble climaxing in the past, you’re in for a pleasant surprise!

Change is rampant during pregnancy, while women may feel large and uncomfortable, men generally find the pregnancy body desirable. Those added curves around the hips, breasts and stomach can contribute to an increase in your sex drive. A heightened sensitivity with the breasts allow for foreplay to seem fierier. Use Durex Perfect Play lubricant and take sex to a whole new world of sensation.

As your pregnancy advances, sex can help get your ready for labour and delivery. Semen contains prostaglandins which can help your cervix develop. Increase frequency of sex near the end of your pregnancy and continued orgasms help keep the muscles in your uterus in tip-top shape.

Communicate clearly with your partner and let them know exactly how you feel- this will allow the two of you to come to a meeting of the minds and bodies as well. It’s important to remember that every woman’s experience with pregnancy is different.

Here’s to a safe and satisfying pregnancy!


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